Next round begins January 2024 

5 Months to Liberation is an intuitive, transformational group coaching program. This virtual program is designed to be an immersive experience to reconnect with your souls deepest desires. Uncover what has been standing in the way of you living a life of embodied confidence, truth, happiness and joy. Together we will shine a light on your shadows and re-wire your story so that you can spread your wings after the 5 months feeling grounded in your worth, clear on your vision and embodied in your truth!


What's included?

Weekly 60-Minute Live Sessions

Tuesday's @ 4pm pacific | 7pm eastern

Private Facebook Community

A sacred space to share and connect with like-minded women 

Online Portal with weekly integration practices, replays, PDF's, bonus meditations & more

 Accountability & check-in's 

Morning routine tailored specially to you

Mindset re-wiring so that you no longer believe, feel or act in the same sense of negative self talk

Inner child healing to understand yourself on a deeper level

A deeper connection to self and who you really are

Self trust & empowerment

Unshakable confidence

Breaking free from the need to please and taking your energy / power back from the experiences you feel depleted from

Healthy boundaries

Self acceptance and love on a physical, spiritual and mental level

Forgiveness of self and others

 Emotional freedom and regulation (no longer getting triggered and acting from a place of wound, defense, fear, scarcity or lack)

Nervous system regulation through breath work, meditation and other holistic practices to feel safe and grounded in your body

Expanding and trusting your own intuition while cultivating and creating a connection with your higher self, power, god, source, divine (whatever you choose to believe in)

Is it a full body YES!?


Celebrating your commitment to 5 months of radical self acceptance, exploration, love and expansion.

***VIP Includes 2x 30min 1:1 Sessions / Month***


$400 / month
VIP $700 / month